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Positioning is defined by the Business Dictionary as a marketing strategy that aims to place the brand, in the mind of the consumer, in a distinct position in relation to the competition. In their book, Positioning the brand: An inside-out approach, Rik Riezebos and Jaap van der Griten talk about positioning as highlighting the characteristics of a brand, which are relevant to the target audience and differentiate the brand from those already existing on the market.
Brand positioning
Positioning does not focus on the product/service you offer, but on the consumer. Your product must have a well-defined image in the mind of the consumer, different from other similar products, a suite of characteristics that make it unique. That is why the term “product positioning” is somehow incorrect. In fact, it is not the product itself that undergoes changes when the positioning takes place, but its image, packaging, name, etc.
It is important that the brand you represent awaken new connections in the consumer’s mind, make him resonate with what your organization does. As Simon Sinek said, people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.
Segmentation, targeting, positioning
To create something that does not exist in the mind of the consumer is very difficult, given that his mind is oversaturated with information. Therefore, a very important step in the positioning process is segmentation. There are so many different consumers on the market, with such varied expectations, that it is difficult to position the product for a very wide audience. But if you choose a target audience, a group of consumers who share the same values, and address them directly, it is much easier to make them resonate with your brand and product.
Perhaps the most important aspect of positioning is communication. In the information age, the consumer holds the power. The messages are becoming shorter and more focused. In order to make a correct positioning of the brand, it is necessary that your message is not necessarily a new one, but one that attracts the consumer. Less is more. Communication volume is the number one enemy of positioning. That is why, when you choose your communication strategy, when you do segmentation or positioning, you have to look at everything the other way around, from the consumer’s perspective. Under these conditions, all questions related to your brand begin with “why”. The message you send to the consumer must, in fact, answer this question. If you manage to do this, then you ensure good positioning of the brand on the market.
Positioning — an exercise that must start from the analysis
In order to succeed in positioning your brand well on the market, it is necessary to know your audience (consumers) very well, as well as your competition. Being perhaps the most powerful concept in the field of marketing, the positioning makes the difference between similar products, influences the mind of the consumer in favor of the product, and ensures a strong image of the brand in the market.
- Positioning — The battle for your mind, Al Ries, Jack Trout
- Positioning the brand: An inside-out approach, Rik Riezebos, Jaap van der Griten
- Start with Why: How great leaders inspire everyone to take action, Simon Sinek
The source of the article is available here — What is positioning — an overview
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